First Fridays: Coffee and Conversation with Rep. Wendy Fink * Canceled for the months of March and April due to scheduling conflicts. I will be hosting a Coffee and Conversation hour every first Friday of the month at my district office. Stop by from 9-10 a.m. to meet with me in a small group to ask any state-related questions or voice any concerns you may have. The district office is located at 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion. To let us know you’re coming, please RSVP by calling the district office at 717-244-9232 or by filling out this RSVP form. I hope to see you there! Constitution 101 Starting Friday, Feb. 21, from 6-8 p.m., at 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion. This is a six-week course I’m hosting on Fridays to help you understand what the Constitution says and the rights it affords us as American citizens. RSVP by calling 717-244-9232 or click here. Local Government 101 Tuesday, March 11, from 6-7:30 p.m., at 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion. I will be teaching this class to provide an overview of the separation of governments and the role each plays in the lives of citizens. RSVP by calling 717-244-9232 or click here. Concealed Carry Seminar Thursday, April 10, from 6-8 p.m., at the Chanceford Community Building, 33 Muddy Creek Forks Road in Brogue. Join me for an informational presentation by a licensed attorney about the Commonwealth’s firearms laws. A representative of the York County Sheriff's Office will be on-site to accept paper applications with a check or money order. RSVP by calling 717-244-9232 or click here. Small Business Breakfast and Roundtable Discussion Saturday, April 12, from 8-10 a.m., at 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion. Small business owners who live or operate their business in the 94th District are invited to join me for a legislative breakfast and roundtable discussion about challenges you’re facing. RSVP by calling 717-244-9232 or click here. Senior Expo Friday, April 25, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Chanceford Township Building, 33 Muddy Creek Forks Road. At 10 a.m., I will give a legislative update and highlight ways my office can help seniors. Older adults who live in the 94th District are invited to my Senior Expo. Learn more about state, county and local programs that support our older adult population. This is also a great opportunity for family and caretakers to get connected with resources for their loved ones. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP by calling 717-244-9232 or click here. Kids Craft Fair Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. to noon, Rexroth Park, 1910 Prayer Mission Road in Windsor. Children and families residing in the 94th District are invited to Rexroth Park to do a craft! Craft supplies, games and face painting will be provided at no cost to participants. Additionally, my office will offer information about school choice, kindergarten registration, pre-school registration, 529 savings accounts and more. Come out for a fun morning of learning and creativity! Call 717-244-9232 or click here to RSVP. Replace Your Hard-to-Read License Plate Hosted with Rep. Joe D’Orsie and Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill Thursday, May 1, from 5-7 p.m. at York Area United Fire and Rescue, 50 Commons Drive in York License Plates will be inspected on-site by the Pennsylvania State Police. Help will be available to complete necessary PennDOT forms. Please bring your unexpired PA driver’s license and current vehicle registration. Call 717-244-9232 with questions. Spring Cleaning: Document Shredding and Drug Take-Back Event Saturday, May 3, at my district office, at 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion Dispose of unneeded documents and medications at this free event. For the shredding portion of the event, there will be a limit of four boxes and/or bags of paper per household and the event is limited to residential customers only. No businesses, please. You may also dispose of prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, pet medications, patches, vitamins, supplements and inhalers. Items not approved for disposal include IV bags, blood or infectious waste, nebulizers, oxygen tanks and mercury thermometers. For questions and to RSVP, please call 717-244-9232 or click here. Hunter Trapper Education Course Saturday, June 7, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at my district office, 100 Redco Ave. in Red Lion. All first-time hunters and trappers must complete the state’s educational course to be eligible to purchase a hunting or trapping license. Take this class so you enjoy Pennsylvania’s beautiful wilderness and sportsmanship opportunities. Participants must register for the course through the Pennsylvania Game Commission. There are only 25 seats available, so be sure to sign up early! For questions, please call my office at 717-244-9232. |
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