Fink Takes Oath of Office for First Term

January 3, 2023

HARRISBURG — Rep. Wendy Fink (R-York) took the oath of office Tuesday to begin her first term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

For the 2023-24 Legislative Session, her priorities include education reform, election integrity and being a citizen legislator as our founders intended. She believes government serves the people - not itself - and has a specific, limited role to play in the lives of citizens. Fink is also a member of the newly formed PA House Freedom Caucus.

“As a freshmen member of the House, I am excited to bring new ideas and perspective to the Chamber while maintaining a strong conservative voice. It is an honor to be elected to serve the 94th Legislative District and bring to Harrisburg the values of York County where I have been a lifelong resident. While the coming session will present its challenges, I am ready for the work that lies ahead,” said Fink.

Representative Wendy Fink
94th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
717.260.6502 /

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