I Stand with Our Farmers, Says Fink

May 23, 2024

HARRISBURG — Rep. Wendy Fink (R-Red Lion) issues the following statement in response to the release of two operating partners of NoBull Solutions LLC, Ethan Wentworth and Rusty Herr, who were serving a 30-day sentence for contempt of court. 

The situation involving Wentworth and Herr escalated after complaints were lodged against them by the Veterinary Board for performing ultrasounds and diagnosing livestock, a practice the Veterinarian Board claims violates the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act. According to its interpretation of the law, a farmer cannot hire an uncertified person to diagnose or treat an animal on their property.

 “I believe, in the recent case of our local farmers, there was no violation of the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act. The code does not explicitly mention the use of ultrasounds or pregnancy testing. Furthermore, pregnancy is not a disease that is diagnosed. It is simply confirmed. There is a real lack of certified livestock veterinarians in Southern York County and across Pennsylvania. Those we have are unable to meet the demands of our thriving farming community in a timely manner. Having to schedule an appointment seven to 10 days in advance is unacceptable in an urgent situation.

“I stand with our farmers and NoBull Solutions, which has an outstanding reputation of providing a greatly needed service in our area. I support them as they move forward in their business endeavor to serve the farming community here in District 94.

“This situation is a classic example of government overreach by our Department of State. I will continue to push back and reinstitute the proper role of government. This issue deserves our attention as legislators to adjust the law to clarify the confusion and give the farmers the freedom they need to care for their animals.”

Representative Wendy Fink
94th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
RepWendyFink.com / Facebook.com/RepWendyFink

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